Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Meet JIBO, The World’s First Social Robot for the Home

Hi guys
Today I will introduce you to a robot whose name is the JIBO.
JIBO is a robot that can act as a human being. The friendly robot one day could be your family's personal assistant.
Some feature of JIBO:

See: Two cameras recognize and track faces, capture photos, and enable to video calling.

Hear: 360° microphone and language processing let you talk to JIBO from anywhere.

SpeakJIBO can read your voice SMS, mail, and Facebook notification so you will never forget and can always be in touch.

Learn: JIBO can learn your children.

Help: JIBO your proactive personal assistant. JIBO helps you to make everyday tasks simpler and easier. 

Communicates JIBO so you understand each other better.
For more details watch this Video.

JIBO will be about 11" tall, with a 6" base. You must have JIBO connected to a WiFi network to set up JIBO in your home. JIBO comes with an AC charging pad that works with 110/220V.

Current price: $749
For more details about JIBO go this ….link

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