Thursday, December 31, 2015

Which Is The World,s Most Usees Password And Do Not Ever Use This Password.

Now a days password is most important for us because you used your password in mail, facebook, Credit Card and other important account. So we should know, what type of password we can use to safe our account.
Password management organization SPLASHDATA on January 19, 2015 Published most commonly used passwords.

These passwords are very risky. Last year, more than two million passwords leaked on the Internet this list from the company.
According to the Splashdata news, high risk 25 password are given below..........

1.    123456
2.    password
3.    12345678
4.    qwerty
5.    12345
6.    12345789
7.    baseball
8.    1234
9.    1234567
10.  football
11.  welcome
12.  ABC 123
13.  11111111
14.  111111111
15.  1qaz2wsx
16.  dragon
17.  master
18.  starwars
19.  passwOrd
20.  solo
21.  login
22.  enter
23.  monkey
24.  letmein
25.  zxcvbnm

So, when you open any types of new ID and give your password please avoid it for safe your account. Otherwise your ID may be hacked via hacker.


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