Friday, February 26, 2016

All Hidden YouTube Secrets.

Guys today I will show you one of the most exciting post which is all hidden YouTube secrets. We use daily YouTube but we don't know YouTube has some secrets system. Many people request me that's why today I want to share with you. So let's go to do something crazy.

1) Keyboard Shortcuts: Keyboard Shortcuts is a most helpful for us. Ok, what types of shortcuts we can use? If you push later “k” it will stop your video “J” will take you back 10 seconds “L” will take 10 seconds before “M” will mute the audio “Shift + N” will skip your to next video “shift+ P” will skip you to previous video “Shift + F” will full screen your video “0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9” will be divided your video into ten.

2) Doge meme: If you type “Doge meme” into the search bar you will see something happens crazy. All text will be colored in a variety of. It’s really extraordinary.

3) Use the force Luke: Type “Use the force Luke” into the search bar and you can move the pictures and the text around the screen with the wave of the Mouse.

4) Do the Harlem shake: As Harlem shake is most popular DJ in the world for this reason YouTube include this feature.  Type “do the Harlem shake” into the search bar and the song automatically play. YouTube text and the picture will be shake.

5) Test-Tube: YouTube provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small. Go and know all new upcoming feature.

6) TV: Go and get a new look of YouTube. You can fully control YouTube via keyboard.

7) Play Videos in Slow Motion: Hold down the space bar and the video will start to play at a much slower speed.

8) Compare Your Load Speeds to the Rest of the World: Go to and Ever wondered how fast your YouTube video playback is compared to the rest of the world? With My Speed, you can check your average speed (in Mbps) and compare it to neighboring cities, your state, the US and the entire world. 


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